I keep forgetting to set my Garmin to autopause for the TNT workouts, and then I hit "STOP" and forget to restart. So my Garmin said 6.31, but I know I did at least 8 miles. Oh well! I had a great time chatting with people and hearing about how they are doing with their training. Most seem to be doing pretty well and are taking it fairly seriously. Of the 8 miles, probably 5-6 of it was at a faster pace (<12 min/mile) and the rest slower.
I did run a little with the fast runner (though in truth, I had a LOT of trouble staying with his ~7:30 pace!), and then the rest with the other runners and walkers. After bringing in the last walker for the 6 miles, I went out after my 10 mile walker and brought her back in. The running didn't seem to bother me too much today; I had maybe one IT band twinge and other than that it was fine. My piriformis, on the other hand, is really bothering me. It's not hurting so much that I can't walk fast, clearly, but it sure is annoying. I really ought to call my physical therapist but doubt I can get in Tues or Wed, and I'm leaving for Seattle Thurs, so I guess I'll massage it a lot and hope for the best.
Oh yeah, Seattle... am going to Seattle with the 4 summer team members (2 half, 2 full) and it's going to be great! I have lots of socializing planned with friends & family (my grandpa lives there), and I'm excited :). Probably shouldn't have done a hard 5K the weekend before a marathon, but what the heck, I'm coaching, not doing it for time, so all should be well.
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