Thursday, May 09, 2013

easy 5K on the track

Today Jim wanted me to walk an easy 4-5km, working on technique. OK, cool! I got Kelly to come and videotape me by bribing her with the promise of a latte afterward.

My coach is a genius...pure genius I tell you. He told me just one thing to fix: rotate the hips more and relax. Voila! Instantly better (see videos below). He's amazing and I owe a lot to him.

The weather was lovely - upper 40s (probably 10C) and a little breeze. Wished I could be out longer in it, so after my workout I biked to work :).

I felt much better today than on Tuesday. Kelly thought I needed more toe-off so I worked on that a bit in addition to keeping my hips rotating freely. I stopped every couple laps and looked at the video for some instant feedback. It made me feel better to see that not only was I lots more legal, but I looked 100% better than on Tuesday. Whew....

I am going to post the videos so you can see how CRAPPY I looked on Tuesday and how much better I look today. I am very ashamed of the first video and it pains me to post it, but I will for the sake of comparison.

Here's today's video - much much much better.

My total for the 5K today was 30:14, and I was breathing pretty hard at the end. Still quite out-of-shape as far as racewalking goes. Sigh....well, that will come. This is a long road back.

Eating hasn't been so good this week. Weight is up and I look and feel kinda nasty. Must work on that too...going to owe my friend Gisela $10 this week for my FAIL in the food department. least I have lots of inconsequential "first world" problems :). 

Garmin data here.

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