The good news - I finished first in the Women's walking division :)! The Wasatch Walkers took places 1-3. I was first, Nancy was 2nd, and Diane took 3rd.
Factors leading to a disappointing time for me:
1. Very hilly course (I knew this going in, but figured I could do it that fast anyway... wrong!).
2. Training - didn't put in enough lactate threshold workouts, knew I didn't, and didn't care (I hate them!). In the future, I will not neglect these for important races. I decided I didn't care as much about my time for this race, after the hard effort I put in for the half marathon on Oct 21st.
3. Form - I have FINALLY got my right knee really straight! Yeah! I think I've really got it! The bad part is that this has temporarily slowed me down a little. I do believe w/a little practice I'll get faster again. I just am not so good at getting quite as good a toe push-off with my right leg a little bent as I am with it straight - YET. I will master this and eventually I'll be faster for it. Plus, I won't get DQ'd!!!
4. Upper respiratory problem - incipient cold? I was breathing really hard for what was a slower effort. At the end of the race I was coughing and hacking with a little blood taste. Not sure what the deal is, but my husband suggested that either I had a little exercise-induced asthma today, or possibly I am coming down with something. I have had a bit of a runny nose, and my pinkeye is better but eyes are still a little goopy in the morning. Maybe I'm not over the last cold?
OK, excuses are over. On the good side, I am SO thrilled that I actually wanted to go for a 6K racewalk on T-giving morning instead of slugging on the couch in front of a football game, like I used to do in the old days. In fact, in the old days, I'd have a plate (or two) of cheese and crackers WHILE I slugged on the couch. I am a totally different person, and I rejoice in the transformation and will not be disappointed by a very successful outing! It was a really fun day :) and next time I'll be faster... you just wait and see.
I'm going to take a little training respite for the next month or two, and just focus on staying fit and not gaining weight through the holidays. I will still racewalk, but I'm just going to do easy walking for enjoyment only - no racing, no stressing, no evil workouts. Lots of cross-training and lots of just enjoying life!!!
Below, me with Calvin after the race!

Good job on the race, even if it wasn't as fast as you'd like.
You can't PR every time out; that is impossible.
I can't see the photos; not sure if it is my computer or not.
Ps: I can see the photo of your holding up the wine glass and wearing your race t-shirt.
Congrats on your 1st place finish! That's awesome. And that's great that you're finally feeling like the technique is hitting home. That takes a while. Especially if you don't have access to a coach watching you all the time to make sure you're doing it right. Glad you enjoyed your thanksgiving!
Great job Tammy --- both on the race and the turkey!!!
Like I have said to you previously not everyone understands when you are not happy when you win -- some dont understand the time concept -- but we do
But -- enjoy the win!!!
Hey, congratulations on finishing FIRST!!! (Sorry this is late)
I also worked out on Thanksgiving day, resisting the temptation to veg on the couch during the kids' nap. It's nice to have friends who are always inspiring me to keep going - even if on a boring elliptical machine and not an exciting race. :-)
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