I did the Cold Turkey 6K today. Goal: 36 minutes. Reality: 38:21. Sigh...
The good news - I finished first in the Women's walking division :)! The Wasatch Walkers took places 1-3. I was first, Nancy was 2nd, and Diane took 3rd.
Factors leading to a disappointing time for me:
1. Very hilly course (I knew this going in, but figured I could do it that fast anyway... wrong!).
2. Training - didn't put in enough lactate threshold workouts, knew I didn't, and didn't care (I hate them!). In the future, I will not neglect these for important races. I decided I didn't care as much about my time for this race, after the hard effort I put in for the half marathon on Oct 21st.
3. Form - I have FINALLY got my right knee really straight! Yeah! I think I've really got it! The bad part is that this has temporarily slowed me down a little. I do believe w/a little practice I'll get faster again. I just am not so good at getting quite as good a toe push-off with my right leg a little bent as I am with it straight - YET. I will master this and eventually I'll be faster for it. Plus, I won't get DQ'd!!!
4. Upper respiratory problem - incipient cold? I was breathing really hard for what was a slower effort. At the end of the race I was coughing and hacking with a little blood taste. Not sure what the deal is, but my husband suggested that either I had a little exercise-induced asthma today, or possibly I am coming down with something. I have had a bit of a runny nose, and my pinkeye is better but eyes are still a little goopy in the morning. Maybe I'm not over the last cold?
OK, excuses are over. On the good side, I am SO thrilled that I actually wanted to go for a 6K racewalk on T-giving morning instead of slugging on the couch in front of a football game, like I used to do in the old days. In fact, in the old days, I'd have a plate (or two) of cheese and crackers WHILE I slugged on the couch. I am a totally different person, and I rejoice in the transformation and will not be disappointed by a very successful outing! It was a really fun day :) and next time I'll be faster... you just wait and see.
I'm going to take a little training respite for the next month or two, and just focus on staying fit and not gaining weight through the holidays. I will still racewalk, but I'm just going to do easy walking for enjoyment only - no racing, no stressing, no evil workouts. Lots of cross-training and lots of just enjoying life!!!
Below, me with Calvin after the race!