Friday, July 01, 2005

Weight training

I've been trying out a new form of exercise lately - weight training. I started it because Weight Watchers recommends some resistance exercise as part of a weight-loss regimen. The idea is to keep as much muscle as possible while losing weight, and lose fat instead of muscle. I started the class on May 19th, and was very sore the first week. Then I adjusted and typically was not too terribly sore after a workout (except my abs... the instructor kills us every week!). This week, though, we got a new workout that is just killing me! My friend Lisa (who is taking the class w/me) and I have a superset workout where we switch back & forth doing opposing muscle groups with no rest inbetween. It's killer... and we still have yet to finish a workout! My calves were so sore I was limping along all week. However, I am still excited to keep going because I EXPECT TO SEE RESULTS! I'm hoping by the time I get to my weight loss goal (about 50-55 lbs more to lose) that I will be very toned (read: look good in a little black dress!). Meanwhile, no pain, no gain.

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