Saturday, July 30, 2005

Back from vacation

OK, OK, so I've been really bad about posting. Sorry!!! Maybe no one reads this anyway, so I could be just talking to myself :).

I'm back from my trip, and Calvin proved to be quite the traveler. He was great in the plane and in the car, much to my relief. We had a fantastic time visiting my grandma & seeing my aunt as well as my friend Laurie & her family. Will post a couple of pics here in a minute.

Now that I'm back the laundry has piled up and I have just managed to finish that and also get some work done in the lab. The house is still pretty dirty, but all in good time I guess. I'm still very tired from the trip and looking forward to my weekend (Sun-Tues) to recharge.

I went to something called "Sunstone" yesterday - it's a meeting of Mormon intellectual types. My friend Mark was presenting a paper called "Mormonism as a Form of Hyper-Arminianism", which was quite interesting. I'm too tired to discuss it at length right now, so I think I'll just post pics from my trip and go to bed. When I get a chance I will discuss it more and also will review the book "A Different Jesus", which I am just about done reading, finally.

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