Saturday, July 30, 2005
Progress this week
Back from vacation
I'm back from my trip, and Calvin proved to be quite the traveler. He was great in the plane and in the car, much to my relief. We had a fantastic time visiting my grandma & seeing my aunt as well as my friend Laurie & her family. Will post a couple of pics here in a minute.
Now that I'm back the laundry has piled up and I have just managed to finish that and also get some work done in the lab. The house is still pretty dirty, but all in good time I guess. I'm still very tired from the trip and looking forward to my weekend (Sun-Tues) to recharge.
I went to something called "Sunstone" yesterday - it's a meeting of Mormon intellectual types. My friend Mark was presenting a paper called "Mormonism as a Form of Hyper-Arminianism", which was quite interesting. I'm too tired to discuss it at length right now, so I think I'll just post pics from my trip and go to bed. When I get a chance I will discuss it more and also will review the book "A Different Jesus", which I am just about done reading, finally.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
In Iowa
Everyone here is thrilled to see Calvin. We hung out w/my grandma and my aunt Sarah tonight, relaxing and chatting. Sarah seems very taken with the little guy, and says he is her first "great-something" (he's her great-nephew). He adores her in return, and he was making his happy "growling" noises at her. Both she and grandma think Calvin will be walking in 4-6 weeks. We'll see... I'm not sure I'm ready for this!!
I'm very very tired and Calvin may wake early, so I'm going to sign off, for now.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Busy day ahead
Costa Rica photos
Saturday, July 16, 2005
People are really starting to notice, and it's great. Fortunately, I am still not satisfied with where I am at, so there's lots of motivation to keep losing weight. I'm about halfway there!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
"A Different Jesus?"
Here are some links to some of James White's blogs (warning: they're a tad polemic in tone!) that show the controversy that's going on:
I'm a slacker, I guess
To be fair, Calvin has been up to a lot lately. A LOT. In the last week, he has learned to 1) pull himself up to a standing position, 2) open drawers, 3) open cabinets, 4) climb stairs). Let's just say that mommy has to be extra vigilant these days.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
This week's progress report
Lost in the music
Calvin was pretty tired and fussy tonight, and Loren was such a good sport about taking care of him so that I could attend the concert. We got him to bed too late last night after the Steve Miller Band concert (Calvin was at the babysitter while we attended the concert) and so he's been sort of "off" all day. We need to cultivate some teenage babysitters who will come to OUR house to babysit, so that he can fall asleep in his own bed. The concert was good, except for the extremely obnoxious and drunk fans who danced all over our blanket (we were in lawn seats) and disrupted our personal space. However, once we moved farther back, it was much better. I wish we had started off sitting in the back! For me, the Steve Miller Band was entertainment, but listening to Steve Thomas was real music. Ahhhh....
Friday, July 08, 2005

Calvin's favorite way to sleep! He loves to sleep with his legs all tucked under him. You can put him down any way you want, but he WILL find this position and sleep that way. Too cute!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Calvin dries off after a swim a couple days ago. He was just too cute playing with the towel, so I had to take a picture :)!

ahhhhhh, sleep!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
This bike trailer ROCKS!
Calvin's first blowout... wheeeeee
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
We did it!
Abode Z Commodes in Costa Rica
A poem my dad wrote about the
Abode Z Commodes in Costa Rica
An Ode in Very Free Verse
Dedicated to the memory of W.C. Whatshisname. (We do that in Loo of admitting the name of anyone else who comes to mind when contemplating this subject.)
The First Place: (Pronounced Ah-la-whale-ah)
The water ran and ran.
Shake the handle, Shake the handle, Shoo!
The Waterfall Place: La Paz (Translated as “peace”, but the stairs were stress!)
Made you want to go…but 712 stairs stood in the way, each way.
Huff the handle, Puff the handle, Poo!
The Second Place: Down by the Oceanside (but monkeys, no whale)
The water wouldn’t flow, fast or slow.
Shake the handle, Shake the handle,Too!
The Soda Place: Served on a Rocky Road
Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to flush!
Find the handle, Find the handle, Nooo!
The Third Place: A Quaker Village in the Clouds
The throne room was SO small, wish I could, wish I might!
Twist for the handle, Turn for the handle, Oooh!
The Cloud Walk: Eight Bridges in the Jungle Canopy
Paper was a second can citizen!
Lid the can, Don’t Can the Lid, Phew!
The Fourth Place: A Quaking Village On a Volcano
The potty burped when the volcano burped!
Rattle the handle, Rattle the handle, Boo!
The Fifth Place: ‘Twas also the first.
Déjà vu all over again.
Shake the handle, Shake the handle, Shoo!
As for the Taps,
Usually there were two, but only one….a conundrum!
Turn the knob, Turn the knob, Phoo!
And that is the glorious ode to our commode.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Calvin is 9 months old!
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Sippy cups & such
Now for the "and such". Today I enjoyed a morning walk with the dogs around the local park, and then we were off to church. We visited Mt. Olympus Pres, our old stomping grounds, and it was really great to see some old friends and visit a while, as well as meeting some new people. My friend Dorothy invited me to go on a bike ride with her and her college-age daughter tonight, and Loren said he'd watch the boy, so we made plans. After an enjoyable lunch (I actually got to enjoy the Sunday paper while Calvin played) we went to Target to get a nice Eddie Bauer pullman carry-on that was on sale. We're going on some great trips this summer and this will help out a lot. After a brief detour at Bryan & Sarah's house to drop of some photos for them, we came home and I made a dinner Loren actually DID NOT LIKE. Rare, but it happens. It was Chicken Tandoori Wraps from the Weight Watchers web site, and I liked them OK, but Loren was definitely not into them, so he ended up eating leftover spaghetti from last night. He did the dishes for me (lots of brownie points there!!!!!!!!!!!) and then I got to go for that great bike ride while he put the boy to bed. A very satisfying day, I must say.
On another subject, I'm thinking my parents are getting back from their vacation in Costa Rica tonight. I hope they had a great trip - I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.
This has been totally random, and if you're still reading, you must be really bored or crazy or inordinately fascinated with my ordinary but good day. So, I think I'll stop rambling now and enjoy some ice cream with those activity points I just earned!
Saturday, July 02, 2005
It's Saturday - progress!!!
Here is a before pic (click photos to see larger):
A pic taken on our 12th anniversary (June 26th):