Thursday, March 17, 2016


It's been a good week for workouts. Today was the third day in a row that I've racewalked, and I'm happy to say that it went well. My legs were definitely tired from yesterday's 5K fartlek, and I had to push pretty hard for the last 3K to keep going at a good pace, but I did it! And with very little pain! I'd say that today might be the first day since my injury that I basically walked pain-free. Not to say that I didn't notice the injury site, but it was more awareness rather than pain, for which I'm grateful.

It was pretty nice out this morning, at 3.9C (40F) and clear and calm. Calvin and the dogs came along, and we met our friend Thomas at Liberty Park for a lap around the park and then we walked by his house before heading back toward our house. I left Calvin at the alley and went back out for my last 3.25km, since Calvin didn't want to do the full 10K; he opted to go home and play a little Mario Kart Wii before school :).

Totals for today: 1:05:41 for 6:34/km with ave HR 145. I'm every so slowly getting faster, I think. Progress is slow, but it's still progress.

Edited to add: my 2.5km splits were remarkably even at 16:18, 16:28, 16:28, 16:26.

I'm glad tomorrow is a x-training day; I have PT in the morning as well. That'll keep me busy :). But I need to rest up a bit before Saturday's 16K.

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