I thought I'd done this race every year since 2006, and I have, except for 2009 (off 2 months with sesamoiditis). I was SO determined to do it today in order to not break my streak...that wasn't a streak! Oh well. Determination counts for something?

I decided I'd walk the race briskly, or as briskly as I could given my infirmity. Calvin was running it, and wanted to win his age group, so he jaunted off ahead and I limped along. Pretty soon I heard someone say, "Tammy?". It was a new Wasatch Walkers club member, Jeri, and I walked with her for the whole race after that :). So nice to have company! I would have enjoyed walking slowly alone, too, but it was better to be chit-chatting and encouraging her. At left is a photo of us at the finish.
It was super nice out today - upper 40s and partly cloudy, and no wind. Lovely. I was glad to be able to limp through the race, because it would have been so depressing to just stand there and watch, especially with the weather just right.
I finished in 1:03-ish, much slower than my previous slow time of 39-ish minutes. But I didn't care at all, which was kind of nice :).
Calvin finished in 32:09, a new PR for him, and he was first in his age group. I'm a very proud mama!

My toe was only a bit painful, and after cooking all day it's more swollen and uncomfortable, but it's not much worse for the wear. I'm not at all sorry that I got some exercise, even if it was super slow.
In case you were wondering, it's even prettier these days...
I'm debating going to the doc to 1) make sure there is no joint involvement, and 2) to get a walking boot, because that would make my life a bit easier. Just not sure I want the hassle...going back and forth as to whether it's worth it or not.
OK, time to make the gravy for Thanksgiving dinner! Have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone :).
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