Yesterday: cross-training - elliptical 30 min; bike to work and back.

Today: 5K Run in Rhythm - a free 5k at the U of U, where I work. Free is hard to resist! Calvin (at left with Swoop, the Utes mascot) wanted to do it too. Yeah, I knew it would be hilly (68m elevation gain ... then 68m downhill - that's 228ft, for my American compatriots who are less metrically inclined). Very hilly indeed. The U is one giant hill, as I well know from cycling to work on a daily basis in the summer. But Calvin really, really wanted to race, and how could I say no? In addition, I needed speed work this week, and I wasn't feeling up to it until today, honestly.
Digression. Coach asked me to report how bad I've been feeling this week. Honestly, the muscle pain is about 10% of what it was at its worst. That's not much, which is good, but it's there, which is a bit disturbing. The fatigue, on the other hand, has been probably 40% of what it was at its worst. I've been pretty darn tired. Sleepy after work, and late afternoon/evening lethargy that doesn't wear off after I have dinner.

Back to the race. I planned to race it for speed work and see how things were - if I felt muscle pain, I'd back off. Calvin and I warmed up for a short while - 1km only, in case my muscles were tired - with some strides. We felt pretty good :). I saw lots of friends there - Leah, Scott, and Sandi (at left, below) from Wasatch Walkers, LingYan and LiuLei from the lab (at right), and Amanda and Caleb (Caleb and Calvin, at right, below) from church. Chatted with Leah, Scott, and Sandi a lot before the race and enjoyed it. Weather was warmish at 23C (73F) and a little humid (36%) but pretty much a non-factor.

The gun went off and it was CROWDED at the start. There is a small tunnel under the road near the start and it was congested. I probably lost at least 15-20 seconds in the first 500m (3:37 on my watch! UPHILL!) going slowly. After that, the congestion was minimal and didn't impact my race. Predictably, the uphill part was slow going - The first 2.3km uphill were in 14:56. Turns out the race was short - the last 2.28km downhill (yup, only 4.58km by my Garmin? And 4.6 by another runner's Garmin? was a FREE race) were in 12:44 for a total of 27:40 (my watch has 27:52 but the chip said 27:40 which I'm sure is accurate). So, it it had been the full 5k I'd have been about 30:12, and minus the 15-20 sec for congestion I'd have been upper 29s, which is good for that course in my current shape. I'll take it. Average HR 163, and
Garmin data here.
The best part? I felt good after the race, and have felt good all day, despite a busy day with birthday parties, weeding, and not much rest. I am sure I'm going to crash about 8pm :) but oh well! I am just hoping fervently that I'm not relapsing. Trying to take it easy and hoping for the best. Portland-to-Coast is next Friday-Saturday!
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