Wednesday: elliptical - 37 min - still tired from Tuesday.
Thursday: rode my bike to work and back - gabbed with Jim on the phone (coach) instead of elliptical!
Friday: 3K easy, in 19:15, felt so-so. Then rode bike to work and back.
Saturday: elliptical - 35 min - felt tired.
Sunday: Walked 8K on the Jordan River Parkway with Carol (photo at left), a racewalker who lives in D.C. now, though she most recently has lived in Washington State. She is a super interesting person to talk to (has a Ph.D. in particle physics!) and the 8K practically flew by. She was in town for her son's graduation from the University of Utah. Anyway, we went at her pace, which was 7 min/km, and I was good with that. My legs still hurt, though it wasn't as bad as on Tuesday. Maybe I should take my workouts slowly for now? Don't know…but it felt OK. Total: 8K in 56:28 for 7:03/km. Ave HR??? HR monitor clearly going nuts and don't trust the data. Oh, and we saw these awesome pelicans (at left) on the JRP. Garmin data here.
Oh, and I went to Weight Watchers on Saturday. Am attending weekly until I lose the weight. Weighed in at 161.8, so I have a ways to go…sigh…would like to be at 150 or less. Have to control the food intake better since I cannot exercise as much. Have to be strict…which means I need to get more sleep so I have more willpower. It's all connected.
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