Tuesday, December 06, 2011

very slow, but OK with it

Today I was to do 12K; originally it was 12K with 2x6' fast segments, but that was before we had to switch today's workout and yesterday's workout due to a work meeting I had this morning at 9 am.

My legs were really beat-up after yesterday's workout. 30K at 80% effort will do that to you! I was seriously tired and sore. When I started out today I knew it would be slow, and happily I didn't really care too much. It was very cold (14F; -10C) but calm. I dressed warmly, wearing my balaclava (essentially a ski mask that just shows eyes, though I pulled it down over nose and mouth to aid breathing), but my face still got fairly cold. I talked to a crossing guard and my words were all slurred because my mouth was so cold! However, there were lots of people out despite the cold. I saw about 10 runners (including my friend from church, Pete), along with a few dog-walkers, a fitness walker, and lots of people waiting for the bus or walking to school.

Anyway, yeah, I was quite slow. Ridiculously slow. My legs just felt tired, sore, and heavy, but I'm glad I went because I think it really loosened up things quite a bit to do the walk. I ended up cutting the 12K short a bit - I did about 10.75K; it got late (partly because I started a few minutes late and partly because I was so slow that the walk took longer than I'd planned) and I had to take the kids to school. I also felt like my body had really had enough. It was the right amount to stop when I did.

Totals: 10.77 km at 6:38/km; 1:11:24 for the workout. Ave HR 136 - obviously my legs were the problem here not my cardiorespiratory fitness!

I'm glad for a cross-training day tomorrow. I obviously need it.

Garmin connect data here.

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