Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Garbage Can Flood of 2006

Yesterday there was a HUGE thunderstorm here. Lots of damage in Provo and other places. However, in our neighborhood, there was just the giant garbage can flood. We live on a hill, and when it poured very very hard for a while, the gutters filled with water. LOTS of water. A 2 foot wide fast-moving river of water. My mother-in-law heard the noise first - "Wow, that thunder is really loud". She looked outside and saw garbage cans being carried down the street from above. The uphill neighbors' cans careened downhill, hit our cans (one of them still FULL!) and carried them downhill. Fast. We ran after the cans, me with the baby in the sling, Calvin watching at the door. I came upon our green can and had to wrestle it upright and put slimy tomatoes and other garbage back in it, getting wetter by the second as it poured rain on me. I dragged the can up the hill and through the river of water, getting myself totally drenched. The minute I set foot in the river, the force of the water against my leg caused the water to shoot up to soak my shorts and underwear. Meanwhile, MIL was dragging the blue can (empty) up the hill to our house. Whew. The baby actually slept through the whole thing, believe it or not. She was pretty wet though, so I had to change her clothes, which woke her up - go figure. What an adventure!

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