Monday, July 16, 2007


The last couple weeks have been pretty draining. Work has been demanding, and everything else has been pretty busy, too. I also managed to get some bug the kids brought home, and was just under the weather enough to notice, but not sick enough to slow down.

Yesterday and today I have been feeling better, though. I did a 10 mile walk yesterday morning, and while not as fast as usual, was feeling pretty decent for the most part. Today I biked to weight training, and had a great workout. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout - I'm going to the track and will try to do some intervals at 10K race pace. I did that on Saturday and it was lousy - I could NOT keep up the pace. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, since I am feeling pretty good. Of course, if I don't get to bed soon, like now, I won't be feeling so great.

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