Since we got back from Seattle on Monday night after a harrowing drive home through the snow, I have been eating better. I decided to swear off of treats of any kind until Christmas Day, to try and jump-start some good eating. Seems to be working so far. I have to decide on a good reward for doing it, and I'm still thinking about what it will be. There will be one exception - on Dec 18th I'm planning on a date with Loren, and I'll be permitted to have dessert if I have the points for it. Other than that, no treats at all. I've been having fruit for dessert, and though it's winter fruit (i.e. mostly frozen berries, apples, whatever is around) it's helping me deal with nighttime cravings.
Now hopefully this will all show up on the scale, given time. The scale has been ugly - 150 lb this morning. Well, nothing I can do about it except eat right and exercise, and it will come back off. Too bad it's so easy to gain and so hard to lose.
Only 9 days until I can racewalk. I am really looking forward to it. I'm getting used to the bike & elliptical, but it's just not the same. I'm very nervous that I will have a recurrence of my injury, though. I will have to take it very easy to start with and listen to my body. I've heard that sesamoiditis is very hard to recover from, so I'm hoping I'll be lucky and get over it easily. I do have the new custom orthotics, and I might look into some new shoes as well. Something, anything, to be able to racewalk pain-free.
The kids have been tough lately. They favor their dad, and sometimes that's hard for me to take. I think maybe it's because he's not around as often, and so when we are both around they would rather be with him. But it's still hard. I wonder what I am doing wrong as a mother that they just don't want to be with me. I probably need to spend more time doing fun things with them, but it's so hard to find time to get everything done that I really don't know where I'd fit it all in. And I'm not sure it would help - I did a lot of fun stuff with them on the family trip to Seattle and it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference.

More racewalking stuff: trying to figure out which races to do next year. I was going to do the 20K in Huntington Beach in March (and still might) because it was to be the National Masters' Championship and would have $200 prize money. Well, they are still having the race, but now it is not the championship (it went to Florida, in November) and no prize money. Hmmmm. That was to be my 40th birthday present to myself. Not sure what I will do now, especially since I declined to enter the Canyonlands 1/2 Marathon with my walking club so that I could do the 20K in CA. Drat. I know I'm going to go to the National Masters' Championship USATF meet in July in Sacramento to do the 5K and 10K, but other than that, I have no idea. I probably should start making some goals, but feel unmotivated and too stressed & busy to think right now.
Kids and dad: yeah, he isn't around them as often so being with him is pretty much a "treat". That is how it worked for me anyway.
One foot in front of the other. One day at a time. One hour at a time. You can do it Tammy! If anyone can, you can. :-)
Kids and dad...I think we have some of that going on here too. I wonder if it's because I'm more strict and they know they can get away with more when it's just Dad. Don't worry too much - you are a GREAT mom, your kids know you love them, and they are being raised by 2 caring parents.
Lovely painting. Good choice!
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