Sunday, October 30, 2005

Trying to do better

OK, I've been really BAD about blogging lately. I think that it's going to take so long, and so I don't do it. I'm going to try to do better. I really do enjoy getting things out and airing out my head (does that mean I'm an airhead?), so I will make myself remember that it's not that hard. In fact, I'm only going to spend 4 more minutes on this now so I'll remember how easy & fast it is.

Progress for the week: -0.6 lb. Total: -68.2 lb. Slower than I'd like, but I'm really going to kick things into high gear this week and try to break this plateau, whether it's medication-induced or not. I'm super motivated.

On the IF front, things are moving slowly... but that's OK. We talked the doc into letting us try the drug that worked to give us Calvin, so we'll see how it goes. Had the usual couple-3 days of morning nausea when I started it, but that seems better now that I've been taking it for a week, so we should be good to give this a fair shot. I won't know until probably mid-Nov or Thanksgiving if it's working right, and maybe not until next cycle since I started taking it later than is ideal this time. I did read some papers that indicated that this might have some utility, so I'm hopeful.

OK, my 4 minutes is up, so I'll write more tomorrow. :) Really, I will!

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