Sunday, August 07, 2005

Progress for the week!

I forgot to post this yesterday so I'll post it today. I have now lost 52.2 lb!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got my 50 lb magnet at Weight Watchers this week, and it was the best feeling of accomplishment. I feel SO much better than I did before. I do miss the food, and probably always will, but I really do desire to glorify God with my body. That is my goal, and that is the most important thing. I felt so miserable when I knew I was living the wrong way and doing what was displeasing to God. The minute I started WW I felt better, before I even lost a single lb, because I knew that what I was doing was what I needed to do. I felt like a weight had been taken off of me. The actual weight being taken off is great - there are lots of rewards that go with that, as well, but really, the best thing is knowing that I am treating my body the way God wants me to.


Mark Peach said...

Way to go Tammy! What a great accomplishment.

Melissa Peach said...

You look great!