Today Calvin woke with a 102 degree fever. Yikes. No day care for him today... and I had to work. So, I took Michelle to day care, and Calvin got to come to work with me. After lab meeting (during which he "read" several books, pushed the stroller around the room, and talked a lot to my co-workers & boss), we went and did some paraffin sectioning (on the microtome - photo in this post). Co-worker D had embedded a bunch of regenerating newt spinal cords in paraffin and I spent the better part of the day making 10 micron sections of them on some slides. Definitely the tedious end of science today, but it was actually perfect for Calvin, who was able to sit next to me. He "read" books, played with his train and stuffed animals, listened to Kindermusik on my iPod, and resisted his nap mightily (I brought a foam mat for him to sleep on). He did SO well - I could not believe my good fortune. After sectioning for 5 hours straight with essentially no breaks, my brain was mush and it was definitely time to go home. At least I finished all 10 of the spinal cords, and D was pretty pleased, so all was well.
Hey Tammy -- I just noticed your PR for the Half -- I now have someone's time to shoot for in Japan -- I will never touch you in a 5 or a 10k but I may have a shot on the half -- I am hoping for a 2:19:16 -- there is a reason for the strange number!!
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving
Thanks Tammy -- believe me, I will be listening to those big voices of yours,Stephens and Sarahs in the last few Km of the race
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