Monday, June 12, 2006


Calvin has officially entered the tantrum stage. Don't give him what he wants, and he's likely to pitch a fit. A really good fit. Today it was a 20 minute fit because I wouldn't let him eat his breakfast while running around the house - I actually wanted him to sit at the table, funny that. He finally calmed down, sort of... but wasn't interested in sitting in the chair. Well, I needed to go grocery shopping, and we had to eat first, so in the chair he went, and of course he pitched another really good fit. Here is a sample. Anyway, he did stop after a couple of minutes and proceeded to decide that eating breakfast would be a good idea, much to my relief. I felt really bad for him and wished there was something I could do to make it better, other than caving in, but there wasn't. So, here we go... I'm scared, because my mom tells me my own tantrums were notoriously horrible. I guess it's payback time.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

No, it wouldn't... I actually do find it amusing too, when I'm not feeling bad that he is so upset! I watched the video again this morning and it actually is pretty funny. :)