Wednesday, March 22, 2006

random stuff

What's on my mind, you ask? Well, one thing is that I've now gained 10 lbs. It's hard to see the scale inching up, even though it's supposed to. I worked so hard to lose all that weight, and now to put it back on again is hard. Of course, I'm pretty hungry and seem to need to eat a lot, so that makes it easy. I just hope that I'm exercising some self-control along the way and staying reasonable about it. The other day I caught myself thinking, "Why should I exercise when I'm just going to gain weight anyway?". Yikes. Nipped that one in the bud pretty quickly - of course I still need to exercise or I'll gain MORE weight. Plus I want to stay fit and healthy, and exercise is part of that. I've been good about it - still walking 4x/wk (or aerobics if the weather's bad) and weight training 3x/wk.

I have a dr appt tomorrow, which I'm looking forward to. I don't know why, since they're routine and it's the same thing every time... urine test for sugar/protein, blood pressure, measure fundal height, check my weight, and listen for baby's heartbeat. I still like it, perhaps because each visit is bringing me closer to holding my little girl.

Calvin just woke from his nap and is crying a bit. He will probably settle down and play for a little while if I let him. It's traumatic to wake up! Anyway, he is learning LOTS of new stuff every day - he understands more and more words and is learning more baby signs all the time. He's a joy to be around (for the most part) and we love watching him learn. His latest thing is to sign "hat" and bring me his hat when he wants to go outside. If I don't get the hint, he stands by the door and looks at me expectantly. It's really cute.

Well, he's not calming down, so I'd better go and rescue him and give him a big hug. More later.

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