Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hey, I'm actually posting

But probably no one reads this now since I've been so irregular. Well, maybe if I put some EXCITING news in here people will start to read it?!? Maybe most of the regulars who read this page already know. Maybe not. But the news is: we're expecting baby #2 on July 27th! I've been feeling exceptionally tired and so perhaps that's why the posting has slowed down. Perhaps not... maybe that's just an excuse. Anyway, I'm almost 11 weeks along and we have our first dr appt on Thursday - hoping to hear the baby's heartbeat. That will be exciting, since the beginning of pregnancy is long and tiring and it's hard to imagine that it's real until you hear that little heart beating.

The nice thing was that we were able to conceive relatively easily - we tried 2 different drugs, and the first (clomiphene) was a bust, but then we tried bromocriptine (which worked to give us Calvin), and even though my prolactin wasn't high this time, it worked wonderfully the FIRST month! Needless to say, we were thrilled. It's actually pretty convenient to have to take a pill to get pregnant (wouldn't it be great if everyone could just do that? no more unwanted babies!), especially when it works well for you and you know which one to try. We don't think we want any more kids after #2, but if we did, we would know what medication to use.

In other news, our Hawaii pics are now up at www.kaminy.net - just click the camera and then click Hawaii under the December 2005 pics section. There are LOTS of pics, so enjoy the ones that look interesting to you and don't bother w/the rest.

It's not that late (8 pm) but I'm super tired so I think I'll curl up with a book --- goodnight!

1 comment:

Danny said...

Great news about the "new shipment!" :) Congratulations are in order!