Monday, January 09, 2006


Calvin is happily playing for the moment, so I'm going to try a brief post, if he'll let me.

Last Thursday was a VERY cool day. I had my first doctor appointment this pregnancy w/my OB/Gyn and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat! That has got to be one of the best moments in pregnancy - hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It just doesn't seem very real before that, as you're not bigger yet - you're just sick/queasy/tired. But once I hear that little heart beating, it just seems easier to imagine a baby growing inside. Very cool.

It was a pretty good weekend. Got some good relaxation inbetween teaching piano students, raking the leaves in the back yard (that was a big job but had to be done before it snowed again, which it did on Sunday!), helping my friend Ye paint her kitchen cabinets, going to church, etc. Loren and I enjoyed watching football and a fluffy but entertaining Disney movie called Sky High.

Today I'm catching up on grocery shopping & laundry & finances, and I have the usual slew of piano students this afternoon. Tonight I'm planning on going to women's Bible study group, which for some odd reason is now starting at 7 pm again... very hard for me to get to since my students leave at 6:45 or so. Guess I'll be late. At least dinner is simmering away in the crock pot - "Ultimate Split Pea Soup" which is really yummy.

Calvin's playing the piano now - so cute! He just likes to bang on it, but mommy can always hope it means he's a budding young musician :).

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