Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Where did the week go?

It has NOT been a week since I blogged. Sigh... it has. In fact, it's been 8 days.

What has happened?
1. I lost 2.2 more lb for a total of 70.2! See before & after here.
2. So far, the latest infertility treatment seems to be doing OK. Have to wait another week to see if it's going to lenghthen my luteal phase.
3. Vocal ensemble went great last week at New Song, though we needed MORE PEOPLE. If you are reading this and are interested, COME TO PRACTICE tomorrow (Wed) at 7:30 pm at the church.
4. We enjoyed a relaxing weekend, even if the 49ers did LOSE, again. The football was fairly entertaining, the food was good, etc.
5. I actually got in a hot bath on Monday while Calvin was napping. That was beyond heavenly. Probably better than a lot of Haagen-Dazs ice cream w/chocolate sauce. We use our jacuzzi tub fairly regularly (every week or two) but I'm thinking twice a week would be better.
6. Women's Bible study was great Monday night. Sara did a fantastic job facilitating. Thanks, Sara!

Theoretically, my friend Sherry is coming over soon and we're going to make soap. I've never done that before, so it should be fun. I only say theoretically because it's now 7:15 and she was going to come at 7. Maybe she forgot? If she did, I'm definitely going to take a BATH!!! Calvin just went down right before I started typing this, so I'm free for the evening :)!

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