The weather was actually tolerable outside this morning (32 degrees, no rain or snow, and the roads are clear) so I did a 3.75 mile walk around SugarHouse park. I have to say that the pregnancy apprears to be slowing me down. Keeping my usual heart rate for walks (135-140), I didn't walk nearly as fast as pre-pregnancy. I used to do about a 12 min mile (12:30 if I had a slow day), but today I averaged a 13:20 mile. Same heart effort... less distance in the same time. I guess that's what happens when your body is working to support a little one.
Speaking of little one, I've become a bit of a medical novelty. I wrote about it in my last post, but since then my reproductive endocrinologist (i.e. infertility specialist) has considered the matter as well. I e-mailed him simply because I thought he might find my case to be interesting, given that I am carrying a baby of 18 (well, now 19) weeks gestational age when I thought I was only 14 weeks by my charts. He did think it was interesting, but his first impression was that the ultrasound must be wrong. He and some colleagues looked at my charts and all agreed that something is weird - and that maybe the u/s was off (of course, it would have to be off by a LOT...). So he called the radiologist who read my u/s and she was adamant that the measurements were good and that I am really 18 weeks. He called me and said that it sure is a head scratcher and that it really does look to him like somehow I am 18 weeks, despite my charts. I'm glad my docs agree, and now, hey, I'm a really interesting case, too! The infertility doc said that if I ever get pregnant again he wants to be there (I hope he didn't mean that literally! :)!). Since we're not really planning on another, I guess he won't get the chance.