Wednesday, February 18, 2015

8K and feeling good

This morning I happily went out to do 8K in San Diego. It was the usual perfect San Diego winter morning, at 15C (60F) slight overcast, and a little ocean breeze. Calvin accompanied me to Mission Bay, near Mission Beach, and we enjoyed running (Calvin) and racewalking (me) along the oceanfront. Wow. So amazing. Seriously, if I were a professional racewalker, I'd live here, as Tim and Rachel Seaman do. Great choice for always having the perfect weather to train in, which does mean a lot when you're doing that many km.

Anyway, today's walk went well. I'm having a little left piriformis issue that began with the 14K on Saturday and worsened with the car ride down here, but it's not bad. I initially thought it was some of the weird soreness, but I'm now convinced it was not, and that it's just my old piriformis friend acting up again. I know what to do. It's time to break out the PT exercises and the yoga for runners. Maybe not this week while I'm on vacation, but definitely when I return.

Today's 8K went well. My legs initially felt a bit heavy (maybe from the fartlek yesterday?) but settled in quickly and I really did feel good, other than the occasional niggle from the piriformis. Calvin wimped out at 6K and so I left him in the car with my phone playing games while I did the last 2K out and back near the car. He's doing well with his training though, and should be easily up for the 5-miler (8K) in Moab on March 21 when I do the half marathon. Now will I be up for the half marathon? I think so. We'll see.

Anyway, I was fast today and felt good. Total time was 50:22 for the 8K for 6:18/km with unknown average HR. Garmin data here. 

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