Thursday, February 05, 2015

6.5K and mishap

I only made it 6.5K today. At 4.16km, my dog FREAKED OUT for no apparent reason (no dogs visible, nothing else going on) and jumped and twisted, and took me down. She has never done anything like this before so I am still shocked. I lost my balance (I RW with her leash around my waist so I don't have to hold it) when 90 lb of dog suddenly lunged, and I flipped around in the air and somehow stumbled to the sidewalk strip and fell on my back in the grass. I was initially relieved that nothing hurt...but when I got up I noticed that my left knee was hurting a bit in the front and on the left side. I managed to racewalk home slowly (I had already been going slowly - legs quite tired from yesterday's cycling), with only a bit of pain. I had Loren examine my knee and nothing big is amiss - all the ligaments are OK and now at lunch time it's just a bit sore. I think this might just clear up in a day or two, but it does have me rather upset. Grrrrrrr.

Here's my data...if you care.

Total 6:49km in 43:50 for 6:46/km with ave HR 146, and one very upset Tammy who still hopes to walk 5K tomorrow. I iced the knee when I got home.

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