Friday, October 01, 2010


If you recall, I was gong to cross-train again today, but after talking to my coach last night, he thought I should try 10K today and see how it went. It went well; my foot did feel a bit warm in the affected area, but it didn't actually hurt. The 10K went quite well, too. I did it in 1:04:30 for 6:26/km with ave HR of only 142. I am in good shape, as long as I can hold off injury.

After my walk, I went to the gym and did some PT for the foot, some hip exercises, lat pull-downs, and also core exercises. I made sure that I iced my foot once I got to work, and took my anti-inflammatory. It's lunch time now, and all is still well. The acid test is how it will feel later tonight. Fortunately I've been able to stay off it this morning at work, as I've had a lot of time on the confocal microscope, sitting down. That trend should continue this afternoon with some data analysis (on the computer) and mounting some slides. I will attend a potluck tonight at Calvin's school, which ought to put a little more stress on it. Anyway, I'm going to ice it now while I eat, just to be cautious. Besides, it feels good to relax and ice it.

My coach says tomorrow will be 15-20K depending on how I'm feeling. We'll see. Hoping for the best.

Garmin connect data here.

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