Friday, September 24, 2010

You never know what to expect

I woke feeling like I'd been hit by a truck. I was so tired, and hadn't slept well at all. I figured my workout might not be so great, and didn't want to get started. But surprisingly, it went very well!

My muscles were sore this morning from my weight training yesterday. Triceps, glutes, and hamstrings were all a bit sore, and quads too. However, the sore glutes actually helped my workout - I knew when my form was good and when I was using my glutes more because of the soreness!

I was to do 12K with 2x12' fast segments (threshold pace; about 6:10/km or @ my threshold HR in the low 160s) and 2x12' recoveries (6:50/km or so) and the rest normal speed (6:30/km). I started out downhill pretty fast, but my heart rate was under control, so I figured it was fine. I did the first 2K in 12:29, with ave HR of 140 (lap 1). The next 3 laps (2-4), I did the 12' fast, pushing lap at each km to gauge my pace. These were FAST, but my HR was low for the speed, so I figured it was OK. I was SO surprised when I pushed lap for the first km and it said 5:45!!! My ave HR for that lap was just 157, and I was feeling fine, so I continued, and the next km was 5:52, with ave HR 161. Then I had 24 more seconds of my 12 min, and continued the same pace (ave HR 162).

The first recovery segment was next (lap 5) and I did 6:36/km with ave HR of 149 for the segment. I was feeling rested when I started lap 6, which was to be a normal speed (6:30/km) for 1km before starting my next fast segment. I did 1.02 km in 6:32, for 6:25/km, with ave HR of 152 (lap 6). Then it was time to kick it up a notch again for 12' fast. I did the next km in 6:02 with ave HR 159 (lap 7), and in the remaining 5:58 (lap 8) I managed 0.97km with ave HR 162, for 6:09/km. Pretty good! I was pleased!

I finished my workout with a second recovery segment (lap 9) at 6:47/km and ave HR 150, followed by a return to "normal" speed on the last uphill, with 6:27/km and ave HR of 155.

Total time for 12K: 1:15:49, for 6:19/km. Nice speedy workout :) and I felt good. It just goes to show that you never know what to expect. Sometimes when you feel rotten you have a good workout anyway. Sometimes when you feel good (like I did on Wednesday) you have a lousy workout. So, the moral of the story is that you should get out there and do your workout. You'll never regret doing it, even if it doesn't go well, because you'll feel better for having exercised.

Garmin connect data here.

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