Tuesday, August 05, 2008

They can always hurt you more.

Tonight when I drove home from work, our street was closed and there was a scene something like this. I got inside and there was no water. Hmmm, big surprise there. I was planning on making dinner, but the no water thing was an obstacle bigger than I was willing to tackle tonight. Work was OK today, experiment-wise, though the other issues I have alluded to have not gone away, and are not any better. Anyway, I called Loren, and he was on his way home - he got a co-worker to drop him off at the top of the street. He ran into a neighbor on the way down, and the neighbor said that in the middle of the afternoon he heard a LOUD noise and the street started swelling up, and then out the water came. Oh boy.

So, we decided to go to Hogi Yogi for dinner, because we had a coupon, and it's relatively healthy if you pick the right stuff for your sandwich. When we arrived at the shopping center, we saw the scene pictured in this post. Yikes! We asked the Hogi Yogi employees when it happened, and they said it happened in the middle of this afternoon. Hmmmm. Seems like the problems must be related.

I really hope the water gets fixed soon. My mom is coming to visit tomorrow, and it would be very helpful to have water so we don't have to keep going out to eat. I guess the alternative is to pick up some water at the grocery store and use paper plates, etc. for eating off of. Arrrrgh!

It could be worse. I could be the city employee tasked with fixing the monumental mess. That would not be fun.

All the same, this just goes to show that they can always hurt you more...

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