Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spinning; new x-ray

Today: Spinning with Jeannie. We did a modified 12 days of Christmas workout with 30 sec for each thing, and with each of the 11 people in the class picking one exercise. It was actually a quite challenging workout, surprisingly. At least it was only an hour...tomorrow is the 90-min spinning class with Jen, always sure to turn my legs to Jell-O.

Worked all day and then had a 4:15 pm appointment for an x-ray of my toe. The new x-ray shows that it is healing nicely on the medial side, with not much healing visible yet on the lateral side. But the P.A. thought it looked fine and that it should be feeling much better in 4 weeks or so. I told her it was still quite painful and she said that toes are like that - very painful. They can take a long time (several months or more) to stop hurting. That's a bit discouraging since it's been just one month today; however, she did think that it's entirely possible that mine could be feeling better in another month and that I might be up for racewalking then. I hope so.

Meanwhile, spinning...and more spinning.

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