Wednesday, September 26, 2012

10K w/2x5' @20K pace

Today was better. Not great, but better. I could tell in the first few steps that it would be better - my hamstrings didn't seize up! The weather was lovely at 54F (12C) and calm and clear.

I got to 5K in just under 31 minutes, which is slower than usual for this route, but only by 30-45 seconds. Not bad, given the muscle soreness.

My two 5-min bursts were starting at 2.5km and 6.5km. I did both in 2:54 for the first 500m, which is pretty close to 20K pace. Slower than the effort that it took, though! It felt a lot harder than that. My legs were pretty heavy, as you'd expect.

Tomorrow is a 10K kickdown...that should be interesting...

Garmin data here.

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