Sunday, February 08, 2009

12 miles

I did get in a good racewalking workout this morning, even though I knew I was going snowshoeing in the afternoon (the snowshoeing was the icing on the cake!). I am really tired right now and need to get some sleep, so you get the Reader's Digest version of my workout, maybe with more to come tomorrow if I have time. I did 12 miles in about 2 hr 10 min, for approximately 10:45/mile. I was taking an easy-moderate pace, pushing it a little bit but still keeping my heart rate under 70% of max; my average HR was 142. I am pleased with that HR for that pace - seems about right where I want to be for now. In the coming weeks I'll push the last few miles of my long days in order to be well-prepared to race a fast half marathon on March 21st.

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