Thursday, April 26, 2007


I'm trying to decide what my next racewalking event should be. I want to do a shorter race to work on my speed. I've narrowed it down to 2 events:

1) The Art Attack 5K on June 23rd here in SLC


2) The 3000m racewalk (I believe it is judged, which is awesome!) at the Utah Summer Games in Cedar City, also on June 23rd

Option 1) is cheaper, local, and is going to be entered by a bunch of my fellow local racewalkers - the Wasatch Walkers. We'd all wear our T-shirts, and a good time would be had by all. Option 2) will cost lots more $$$ because it's in Cedar City, a 3 1/2 hr drive, requiring at least one night but probably 2 nights' hotel stay, gas, food, etc. However, while we are there we could take in Cedar Breaks National Monument, which Loren has wanted to see for a while. Loren says he could go either way, and he does like getting away for the weekend.

All things being equal, I'd probably prefer option 2). But, one more factor comes into play. Michelle's first birthday is June 23rd, and if we're out of town we wouldn't be able to celebrate it that day. I know she won't know the difference, but I do, and if we're out of town, am I putting my interests ahead of hers? Maybe not since she doesn't know the difference, but I can't help wondering. And the practical part of me says it's ridiculous to spend $$$ on a race. Of course, we'd be there for the scenery too, and it's good to get away for the weekend now and then.

ARRRGH! This is a toughie. Input requested if you feel like commenting.

1 comment:

Hunca Munca said...

Hey, I say go for Cedar City - what better way to celebrate Michelle's birthday than a weekend getaway, the excitement of an officially judged race (would it be a first?) and beautiful scenery? As long as it is within your budget, or can be worked in, it sounds like it would sure be fun.